Saturday, March 3

A grammar pedant writes...

+++Guest post+++


I admit that the new latest activity comments are funny, and they have been admirably covered by fluteflute - New attacks 'comment' and by helo - Humour latest activity log. There are sure to be many grammar points for the English pedants amongst us, such as the spelling of 'beautifull' picked up by fluteflute.

Another grammatical point comes in the example attacks comments below :

______ could not bother less to have lost the city as the inhabitants were quite annoying with that dialect.

I would humbly point out that "could not care less" would be better and Google Fight gives some support to this :

A staggering 93,400,000 for "could not care less" vs 3,300,000 for "could not bother less".

Imagine the confusion a non-English speaker may have!

yours faithfully,

A. Pedant.

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