Wednesday, March 21

The Book of Ronin: The Bible

The young disciple looked up, the curator was bringing her what looked like some refreshments.

"My, you are a keen scholar, aren't you? You've been there for some hours,” he said “but please don’t forgot to rest and recuperate that brain of yours. Here’s some hot chai, just the ticket.”

“Thank you” she replied taking a cup. “The translation is taking longer than I thought. But, err... I don’t understand the 'just the ticket' reference? Obviously an idiomatic expression but I have not come across it before”

“One cannot be expected to know everything eh!” he joked back. “By the way you do know that the book you are reading was originally part of a larger set? Unfortunately those originals are not here but we do have copies.” Then out of thin air he produced a reference crystal. “This has the copies of what has now been termed The GEWar Bible.” Then he left adding “You can use the washbasin near the door to clean the cup.”

The disciple looked around for a ystal-reader and saw a reading lounge towards the far left-hand side wall of the Ancient Earth history room.

The second moon of the planet was now casting its light into the room. She was reminded now how long she had already been there and thankful that the curator was looking after her.

She took the nearest recliner and hooked up the crystal. The reader flickered alive.

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[]The GEWar Bible




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